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"Mann i nikkers" by Gunnar Aune


Dimensions: 88,5x70cm (incl frame)

Edition: one of 89


Artwork: 4.600,-

5% Tax: 230,-

Frame: 2.600,-

Total: 7.430,-


Gunnar Aune (b. 1944) was educated at the Norwegian School of Crafts and Design in Oslo (1967–70). Gunnar Aune has been a teacher in freehand drawing at the Statens Håndverks- og Kunstindustriskole. He has been purchased by the Norwegian Cultural Council, the National Museum, Norges Bank and the Ministry of Finance, among others.


Gunnar Aune is a major figure in drawing in Norway and has consistently cultivated charcoal drawing as his medium. He has spent a long time figuring out exactly the technique that suits his expression. The motifs are always drawn on Hanemühle paper which has a characteristic slightly yellowish character. Typical of Aune is how he lets the motif be surrounded by voids and be central to the format. The motifs appear to be detached from their context. It is as if nothing should be allowed to disturb the motif itself, at the same time as the space around it appears to be almost as important as the figure.

"Mann i nikkers" - Gunnar Aune

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